Optical Microscope:

A Key Tool in Our Laboratory

To uphold our high standards and deliver the best products to our clients, we utilize the Microscope in our laboratory. This powerful tool plays a crucial role in our analysis and quality control processes of our Trial results.

Optical Transmitted Light Microscope is designed for intricate examination of various liquid and semi-liquid samples. Whether analyzing emulsions like mayonnaise, lotions, or starch suspensions, this microscope offers unparalleled performance and reliability.

Magnification Capabilities: provides a range of optical magnifications from 4x to a maximum of 100x. This versatility allows us to observe the minutest details of our samples with exceptional clarity, ensuring comprehensive analysis. The intermediate magnifications of 10x and 40x further enhance our ability to tailor our observations to the specific needs of each project.

Optical Microscope
Optical Microscope

Digital Recording and Particle Size Measurement: One of the most significant features of the Microscope is its capability for digital recordings. This allows us to document our findings meticulously and share them easily with our clients and colleagues. Additionally, the microscope enables precise individual particle size measurements, providing critical data that informs our research and quality assurance processes

In our lab, we frequently compare test results with reference samples to ensure consistency and quality. The Microscope excels in facilitating these evaluations, allowing us to effectively contrast our findings. This capability is particularly important for assessing the feasibility of new products and formulations.

The images produced by the Microscope are helpful  to our work. Each image reveals the intricate structures and compositions of our samples. These high-quality images are also excellent educational tools, helping us to illustrate our findings to clients and stakeholders clearly.

Full Fat Mayonnaise
Full Fat Mayonnaise
Solid particle  in Liquid
Solid particle  in Liquid
Low fat Mayonnaise
Low fat Mayonnaise
Oil droplest
Oil droplest

At AZO LIQUIDS, our dedication to quality and innovation is exemplified by our use of the Optical Microscope. This tool enhances our ability to analyze and evaluate emulsions, suspensions, and other liquid and semi-liquid formulations with remarkable precision. By integrating the Optical Microscope into our laboratory processes, we ensure that we continue to deliver the highest quality products and solutions to our clients, maintaining our position as a leader in the liquids and semi-liquids industry.